Home Health and Hospice Care in Minnetonka, MN
Understanding and Embracing the Challenges of Aging
When the time comes to discuss additional care for you or your loved one, the Triniti Home Health and Hospice professionals are here for you. Talk with our health care team to learn more about our holistic end-of-life and post-acute care.
Home Health Care in Minnetonka, MN
At Triniti, we understand the aging process comes with both joys and challenges. If you or a loved one need post-acute home health care, it’s important to have a team of trusted professionals on your side. Our goal is to get you back on your feet, ready to embrace life with a full understanding of your new diagnosis. To ensure our patients feel confident, we assign an admissions nurse to every patient in addition to our home health care team. From the beginning of care, to assistance with payment and insurance, you are receiving undivided custom care from your assigned admissions nurse.
Frequently Asked Home Health Care Questions
What is home health care?
Home Health encompasses a wide range of health and social services for individuals recovering from an acute illness or managing chronic illnesses. These services are delivered at home to recovering, disabled, chronically or terminally ill individuals whose needs may be medical, nursing, or therapeutic treatments.
Our staff travel to the client’s homes which include single-family houses, apartments, assisted living facilities, group homes, residential housing facilities, adult day cares, or congregate living environments.
Who pays for home health services?
Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurances pay for home health services. On-going assistance with daily living activities is paid out-of-pocket by clients or their families.
How often does a home health professional come to the home?
Each home health client receives a personal care plan tailored to their needs. It’s common for many clients to receive daily visits depending on which services they are receiving. Each visit usually lasts 1-2 hours.
Hospice Care in Minnetonka, MN
At Triniti Home Health & Hospice we are committed to giving our hospice patients the most comfortable and honoring end-of-life journey possible. Hospice care is for individuals who are in their final stages of life or who wish to focus on comfort rather than a cure. We recognize the unique and difficult challenges of terminal illness, and our goal is to provide emotional, physical, and spiritual support to individuals and their families. Hospice services are provided in the client’s home, whether it be a private home with family, a care center, or assisted living facility.
Triniti Hospice Care in Minnetonka, MN Includes:
- Personalized care plans
- Coverage for supplies and medication
- Pain and symptom management
- Spiritual and emotional support
- Support for those experiencing a loved one in our care
Frequently Asked Hospice Care Questions
What is hospice care? Why should I consider hospice?
Hospice refers to the philosophy that focuses on providing palliative care to individuals at the end of life. Hospice care focuses on comfort and quality of life until death, instead of curative treatments that may postpone death or diminish the quality of life.
What is the goal of hospice?
The goal of hospice is to focus on symptom management and quality of life, so individuals and their families enjoy the remaining time they have together.
What services are offered by hospice?
Hospice services are designed to provide emotional and spiritual support to individuals and their families. In addition to the core team of caregivers consisting of registered nurses, a physician, and social worker, someone may choose to receive additional services from a home health aide, chaplain, volunteer, music therapist, and massage therapist.
Whether you or a loved one are faced with circumstances that require our care, our team is here for you. Ready to learn more about Triniti Home Health & Hospice? Or have questions about our home health and hospice care? Call us at 763-241-0654.